Voice Coaching Services

Highly qualified voice, text and dialect specialist with years of experience working with performers and business professionals.

Voice Coaching for Performers

As a performer, your voice is one of your most important and versatile tools. My work can help you to harness its full potential. Whether you want to optimise your vocal freedom and flexibilty, ensure that you are technically prepared to fill a large theatre space, or perfect a tricky accent, I will tailor my sensitive and non-judgmental work to meet your needs.

I am also a specialist in text work, having honed my skills over many years in residence at the Royal Shakespeare Company. I love supporting performers to explore, understand and relish challenging language, whether classical or modern. My work will boost your confidence, improve your connection to character and open up your playing choices.

I offer one-to-one sessions, group seminars and workshops, both online and in person.

Areas I can help you with include:

- Vocal technique
- Voice warm-ups and cool-downs
- Dialect coaching
- Audition speeches
- Detailed text work/character study
- Understanding and delivering Shakespeare
- Vocal stamina/vocal health advice

Voice Coaching for Business

Our voices play a crucial role in the impression we make on those around us. An underpowered and restricted voice can decrease our presence and impact, while a free, expressive, well-supported voice commands attention and can open up opportunities in our professional and personal lives.

Many of us feel like our voices and communication skills let us down. Perhaps you feel like your voice is a little dull and monotonic, and you want to introduce more variety and pitch range when speaking in meetings. Maybe you want help tackling those pesky pre-presentation nerves, or you're drafting an important speech and need advice on effective word choice and structure. Whatever your goals, working with an expert practitioner can be life-changing.

I specialise in improving features such as power, stamina, resonance, pitch range, variety, fluency and pacing. Over the past ten years, I have helped a wide range of professional people unlock their potential, from bankers and CEOs to lecturers and teachers.

I will tailor my process to suit your needs, using my voice and text expertise to identify problems and offer tips and practical exercises to help you succeed. I can provide one-to-one sessions, group seminars and workshops, both online and in person.

Areas I can help with include:

  • Practical voice work
  • Communication skills 
  • Presence and impact
  • Presentation skills
  • Public speaking
  • Vocal stamina
  • Speech writing and storytelling skills
  • Managing nerves

Get in touch to discuss Voice Coaching with Anna

©  Voice Coaching with Anna